LOL Google + isn’t a failure .

Google plus plugin tools give a huge boost in Search engine rankings for a particular web page so webmasters will be looking for more of +1’s than on Facebook likes as only +1’s will be the only social parameter that’s gonna influence Google SERPs.

One login account and numerous services.

A) The hallmark of Google Account is you can use many Google services with one Google account and ultimately Google + integration or the +1 button will be available on all Google products. Imagine using +1’s on Google TV, Google Earth, and maybe in Androids, chrome books.

Facebook brand pages or Google+ business pages which will take off eventually?

Apart from the SEO benefits for small business, there are a  community of cloud-based Google apps users (both free and paid)Google Apps for business offers powerful messaging and collaboration apps that meet business-critical needs for small and large-scale businesses and

Google+ could easily become a powerful communication and collaboration tool for enterprise users.

Gmail and YouTube integration

It’s already happening your Gmail(users 260 million) has Google+ circles integrated and the new re-designed YouTube (3rd largest search engine) just shows more possibilities of users landing on Google+.

Android with Google+ integration is another huge market share.

Well as of now your Google+ can be accessed via Android browser or Google+ app. Android’s market share rose from 43.8 percent at the end of August to 46.9 percent at the end of last month in U.S comScore REPORT and Androids are even eating up Apple’s there is another huge user market

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