LG Introduces the Portable Instant Photo Gadget the Pocket Photo Snap

Photo Snap produces photos that are 50 percent bigger than that of a traditional 1.8 x 2.4 inch Polaroid.

Combining the latest mobile trends with the nostalgic feel of a traditional analogue camera is another way the Pocket Photo Snap enhances the photographic experience. It effortlessly connects to a smartphone and PC tablet via Bluetooth to print photos taken by other devices in either Android and iOS. This handy connectivity allows users to conveniently share with the real world their precious memories stored in their phones or tablets through clear prints within 45 seconds. Finished photos can go in a wallet or in a neat frame on an office desk or bedside. Also, the Pocket Photo app makes it easy and convenient to edit and enhance the pictures in those devices prior to printing.

“A major flaw of traditional print photos is their eventual deterioration over time,”added Mr. Cha. “In a first for an instant camera, photos printed with Pocket Photo Snap receive a transparent coating to protect against humidity and age. The coating prevents smudging of colors or degradation even if the photos get wet, thus preserving these cherished moments in a pristine and crisp state for a long time.”

Precious memories are better if they’re bigger and more visible, and the Pocket Photo Snap delivers on this end. Previous models of instant cameras delivered small prints but the Pocket Photo Snap produces photos that are 50 percent bigger than that of a traditional 1.8 x 2.4 inch Polaroid. Still, the attractive pastel-toned device is compact enough to fit almost anywhere and is also the only instant camera on the market that can produce black-and-white photos without the need for a separate ink cartridge.