Jawbone Era – 2014 Edition Review

The most exciting feature of the New Era – the 2014 edition from Jawbone is its compatibility to work with both Apple’s Siri and Android’s Google Now. The personal voice assistant on both platforms can be activated when you press and hold the multifunctional button on the headset. Hence, with the personal voice assistance activated, you can ask Siri or Google Now, whichever may be applicable as per your device platform, to call or message someone or in order to find directions or nearby restaurants.


Our verdict on the 2014 edition of Jawbone Era is positive as it’s an modern era Bluetooth headset designed to work with high end smartphones and supporting the built in features of highly popular platforms like Android and iOS. Such compatibility delivers great user experience and performance.Although, the only flaw we found was lack of buttons. It gets confusing and difficult to access the multifunctional button for different uses.