Intellivision's retro console hits a roadblock

Intellivision’s retro console hits a roadblock

At the moment, there are only two games available for the Amico home app, and they are

  1. Missile Command (1980)
  2. Astrosmash (1981)

Now, if this was a free app with two games to play, it would have been acceptable, but Intellivision has put a $15 price tag on the same, and that is where they stand to lose. The app itself is completely buggy and does not deliver on any of the promises that the company has put forward with the app delivery. Intellivision hopes that the app catches traction and hopefully generates the money they require to bring the Amico retro console to life.

It is going to be an uphill task and we just don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel for Intellivision.