Instagram is apparently deleting options for setting a shorter daily time limit from its app.

Instagram is apparently deleting options for setting a shorter daily time limit from its app.

A popup now appears at the top of an Instagram user’s feed, prompting them to select a new daily limit value in accordance with an app update, according to screenshots given to us by an Instagram user who had previously set a 10-minute daily restriction. Despite the fact that the popup states that the user can keep their current limit, selecting the edit button prompts them to choose from a list of preset options, the shortest of which is 30 minutes. The 10-minute figure is “no longer supported,” according to a popup on the app’s activity tab. According to the customer, the app has been sending reminders to modify the setting for several weeks, and they were only able to avoid selecting a new limit by force quitting the program.

In 2018, Instagram introduced the ability to set daily time restrictions, with company spokespeople stating that they wanted users to spend their time on the platform wisely. Time limits were implemented in response to concerns that tech companies had received regarding the impact their products had on users’ well-being.