Epic Games has verified that its contingent workers in the United States will be hired full-time and with benefits. The revelation was initially revealed in an internal memo, which stated that the business will “provide full-time at-will employment to qualifying US-based contingent workers,” with “many of those offers effective April 4th, 2022.” However, certain individuals will not be offered the job, since “there are a few circumstances in which it makes sense for both the worker and Epic to maintain contingent worker status,” according to the document.
Elka Looks, an Epic representative, claimed the game company will hire “a few hundred” contractors, with “most but not all” of them being quality assurance (QA) testers. According to Looks, all of the employees will be entitled to Epic Games’ US employee benefits plans and will be directly employed by the company. QA testers and other workers are currently hired through temp agencies such as Eastridge, Hays, and Nextaff.