How to play Runescape on the Mac

How to play Runescape on the Mac

The world of gaming has undergone a lot of evolution over the years. What started off as simple 32-bit games you played at arcades, have now become graphics-intensive experiences that you can consume at qualities as high as 8K. The genres that are on offer these days have left the gamers spoilt for choice, but by far, the most popular for pro gamers is the MMORPG lineup of games.

MMORPG stands for massively multiplayer online role-playing games, and they are generally browser-based games that include a thematic storyline, played simultaneously by interested participants around the world. Most of these games, including the evergreen and ever-popular Runescape, have relied on JavaScript to run flawlessly on the browsers.

However, recently, most of the popular and robust web browsers have dropped support for JavaScript, and as such, the games of Runescape cannot be played on browsers.