IP Address

How To Find Your IP Address On Windows Or Mac

Knowing your device’s IP address allows easy connectivity between network-enabled gadgets. It also aids troubleshooting internet issues. Let’s explore foolproof techniques for finding IP addresses on both Windows and Mac operating systems.

Whether you need to configure port forwarding for a game server, enable remote desktop access, or confirm your VPN status – tracking down your public or private IP address is the first step.

This guide breaks down straightforward methods anyone can use plus advanced tips for power users. Follow along hands-on to finally demystify IP addressing on popular platforms. The ability to retrieve this vital network identifier with confidence saves huge headaches down the road!

IP Address Basics

Before diving into OS-specific steps, let’s quickly cover foundational IP knowledge to boost contextual understanding:

  • Unique identifier – Like a postal address for devices on the internet or local networks. Crucial for communication.
  • Numerical – Formatted as four sets of digits separated by dots. Ex:
  • Dynamic or static – Automatically assigned via DHCP or permanent static allocation possible.
  • Public and private – Globally routable or for internal networks only.

Now equipped with that base background, let’s demonstrate how to reveal IP addresses on Windows first followed by Mac instructions.

Finding Windows IP Address


IP Address


Windows desktops and laptops offer various simple IP lookup methods – wired or wireless.

From Network Settings

The most reliable approach is through Windows network settings following these actions:

  1. Open the Start menu and click Settings > Network & Internet > Status.
  2. On the right side locate and select your active network connection type (Ethernet or Wi-Fi).
  3. The connectivity details show your exact IP Configuration including IPv4 and IPv6 addresses currently assigned.

From Command Prompt

Power users can access IP details faster via the built-in command line:

  1. Type CMD into the Windows search bar and open Command Prompt.
  2. Input the ipconfig command and hit Enter.
  3. The terminal displays full address configurations for each active network adapter.

This grants insights beyond just the IP address such as DHCP server, DNS suffixes, etc. Useful for network analysis!

Finding Mac IP Address

Apple’s macOS also enables multiple approaches to surface device IP addresses:

From System Preferences

Similar to Windows, macOS bakes IP status conveniently into Settings following these navigations:

  1. Click the Apple menu and choose System Preferences > Network.
  2. Select either Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or other active network type from the left sidebar.
  3. The Configure pane shows your IPv4 and IPv6 address when connected.

From Terminal

If desiring faster command line IP insights, Macs have built-in Terminal access allowing:

  1. Use Spotlight or Launchpad to open Terminal.
  2. Type ifconfig | grep "inet " and hit Return.
  3. The terminal displays all interface address configurations on separate lines.

The added grep filter isolates just the IP details for simplicity.

For even more robust network recognition, try ipconfig getpacket en0 to reveal MAC address, interface metrics, and advanced parameters!

IP Lookup Comparison Table

Platform GUI Method Command Line Method
Windows Settings > Network Status ipconfig
Mac System Preferences > Network ifconfig/ipconfig getpacket

As shown, both mainstream operating systems streamline revealing your active IPv4 or IPv6 addresses with just a few clicks or commands.

Now you can seamlessly determine the identifier crucial for remote access, port forwarding, troubleshooting, and more! No more guesstimating IP when accessing routers or enabling services.

For extra assurance when sharing connections, try opening https://checkip.amazonaws.com from the target machine to validate the exposed public IP address matches expectations.

I hope these clear walkthroughs finally lift the veil on quick IP detection across common platforms. Never struggle again when applications or friends request your current address for coordination. Just use these proven tactics to empower on-demand access, whether home networking or administering enterprise systems!

Now that we’ve shattered barriers to finding IP addresses on major operating systems, I’m eager to hear your use cases. Please share what projects or functionality knowing your IPv4 or IPv6 unlocks for you! I look forward to exchanging ideas on applying these lessons for even more insightful network management.