How to detect a virus on your Android device

When it comes to the safety and security of an operating system, no company can give you a 100% guarantee of their software being completely immune to attacks from malware or virus. But what they can do is put in safety and security protocols to ensure that your device is safe and secured.

The Android mobile operating system has taken the issue of malware and virus attacks very seriously and as such, has started putting tight security protocols into all their services to ensure that the content you add to your device is completely safe from malware. However, some users like sideloading apps onto their devices, and as such, they risk inviting malware onto their devices. Here are some telltale signs that will help you detect a virus on your Android Device.

Drastic Battery drain.

If you are using a relatively new smartphone, the average battery life will be around the rated value indicated by the phone maker. However, if your device has started drastically dropping in battery percentage, there is a good chance that your Android smartphone has got malware.