How to check what is draining the iPhone battery

How to check what is draining the iPhone battery

One of the biggest mysteries of the iPhone is how Apple manages to get a full day’s worth of performance from the iPhone when it features a battery that is not rated more than 2400 mAh. When you look at Android devices, you will see smartphones featuring huge 4000 mAh+ batteries in order to deliver that one-day battery life.

The key to Apple’s success is the optimized iOS platform. Apple has designed their mobile OS in such a way, that apps only go full throttle when they are needed. When you have apps running in the background, they either go on a sleep mode sort of activity, or they turn off entirely. This saves on precious battery life, and thus allows iPhones to deliver that stellar battery performance.

Along with delivering great battery performance, the iOS platform also allows users to see how exactly the battery is performing, and what apps are putting a load on the overall battery life. Using these statistics, you can take necessary actions in order to save the battery life, and extend the usage of your iPhone.

Let’s take a look at how you can check what is draining the iPhone battery.

Open the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone.