How to change the name of your iPhone

How to change the name of your iPhone

When you buy a new iPhone, you will see that whenever you try and scan for it from another device, it will identify itself as ‘iPhone’. This is not an issue if there is just one iPhone in the vicinity. However, if there are multiple iPhone devices in the area, you will see that most of them will identify as ‘iPhone’ only, and this can get very confusing.

To help you avoid such confusion, there is a feature within your iPhone, that lets you rename the device to your liking, and this also will help other users from identifying your iPhone among others in the area. The surprising thing is that not many iPhone users even know this exists, but once they do, almost everyone has exercised this feature to create some really special names for their iPhone devices.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the name of your iPhone.

Open the ‘Settings‘ app on the iPhone.


How to change the name of your iPhone