How to change the desktop background on Mac OS

How to change the desktop background on Mac OS

One of the most fun aspects of a computer operating system is the customization options on offer. From the very beginning, GUI based operating systems have allowed users to customize their experience by choosing themes, backgrounds, fonts, screen savers, etc.

Over the years, these options have evolved and today, when it comes to Mac OS specifically, the customization options allow you. to do a whole lot more. However, the very basic operation in terms of customizing your desktop is changing the desktop background.

Apple includes a suite of high definition images that are relevant to their OS nomenclature, For example, the latest macOS version, Catalina, features high-quality images of Catalina, that you can set as your desktop background. Additionally, you can even download high-quality wallpapers of your choice and use them as desktop backgrounds as well.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the desktop backgrounds on Mac OS.

Choosing from the default options

Step 1. Open the ‘System Preferences‘ on your Mac.


How to change the desktop background on Mac OS