How to change the ChromeOS channel in order to access unreleased features

How to change the ChromeOS channel in order to access unreleased features

The Developer channel is updated as frequently as twice a week and contains information that is currently being worked on but has only received a limited amount of testing.

Finally, the Canary channel is what Google refers to as the “bleeding edge” Chrome OS path – a channel that receives daily updates prior to any wider testing and can only be accessed by a Chromebook in developer mode.

The Stable channel is the safest option and should be used by the great majority of individuals, especially those who need to know their computers will always perform properly without any hitches or unforeseen glitches.

If you’re feeling daring and don’t mind taking a chance, the Beta channel is a nice method to get a sneak peek at unreleased features without experiencing too much instability. The chances of seeing something strange are undoubtedly greater than with Stable, but elements in Beta are often well-developed and in the last stages of testing.

Most regular users would be wise to avoid the Developer channel because it receives updates as they are built and is prone to errors. And, if you’re not sure whether you should be using the Canary channel, the answer is usually no.

However, if you are an enthusiast, and want to try and see what happens when you change the ChromeOS channel, this is how you can do it.