Due to the fact that personal essays nearly always have a word count constraint, it is quite important that you make effective use of the space that is provided to you. In order to accomplish this goal, you should state your points in the shortest amount of space feasible. If you look through your essay with an eye toward minimizing wordiness, you might be shocked to find that you can cut a significant number of words out of it. A professional homework helper tries to avoid unnecessary comments and goes straight to the point when writing your paper.
Ridiculous vocabulary
Students frequently believe that lengthy vocabulary would earn them higher marks for their writing assignments. It is OK for a writer to employ a sophisticated vocabulary when doing so comes easily to them, but it is not acceptable when the terminology is used wrongly or when it is used in an inappropriate context.
In addition, an admissions officer can probably tell if you’ve utilized a dictionary or thesaurus to fill your essay with complex and arcane terminology if you’ve used one of those resources to fill in the blanks. Instead of focusing on utilizing difficult words and overly complicated constructs, try to present a tale that is simple yet evocative.
Remove the excess fat
Certain terms that are frequently utilized in application essays do not add anything meaningful to the story. These excessive words make the language more confusing and simply plain puffy, which in turn saps the vitality from the writing. In virtually every case, the words and phrases listed below may be eliminated from an essay.