How Can I Condense My Essay To Meet The Allocated Limit?

The subject of how to cut down the length of an essay to fit inside a specified number of words, characters, or pages is one of the most frequently asked by students. This exemplifies only one of the numerous difficulties that are presented by application essays. In such pieces, you will not only be expected to present compelling personal information that advances your candidacy, but you will also typically be required to do it within a word count limit of 500, a character count limit of 5,300, or on a single page with single spacing. Work with an expert essay writer to help deliver your work according to all the requirements set by your professor.


In spite of these restrictions, students often hand in essays that are far longer than the minimum and maximum word counts required for a given assignment. They do this for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are that they expect nobody will notice the overage, that nobody will care about the overage, or that if 500 words is excellent, then 1,000 words must be twice as good. In almost all cases, it is not in your best advantage as an applicant to submit a resume that is longer than the allowed maximum, regardless of the reason for the longer length.


An application essay presents a number of challenges, one of which is properly answering the question provided within the allocated amount of space. If you answer a question that asks for no more than 500 words in your essay, you have failed that challenge even if you write an innovative and captivating essay that is 800 words long. Furthermore, when comparing two well-written essays, an admissions officer would likely be more pleased by the one that kept to the length restriction than by the one that surpassed it. This is because the former demonstrates greater awareness of the parameters of the assignment.


Keep in mind that the essay you write for your application is not the same thing as a typical writing assignment. It is a test meant to evaluate many different aspects of you, one of which is your capacity to pay attention to and adhere to instructions and regulations. If you disregard the word limit, you are demonstrating to the admissions committee that you did not read the prompt attentively or that you did not believe the word limit was important. In any case, even if your essay is very well-written, this first impression will not boost your chances of being accepted into the program.


Take a look at the following tips if you’re having trouble restricting the length of your essay within the allotted amount of space.