Your Laptop can contribute to coronavirus (COVID-19) research.

The Folding@Home works on the principle of shared computing. This is where multiple computers around the world form a single shared network in order to process tasks. Each computer donates a part fo the processing power and all of it combined is then used to accomplish tasks in superior fast times.

Folding@Home has been using this concept in the past, for normal pursuits, like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s research. However, they have reported that since the advent of the coronavirus, they have received a 1,200% increase in contributors, and over 400,000 new volunteers over the last two weeks. 

Folding@Home has said that while they have the computing power at their disposal, they are falling short of work units, but that was being taken care of as we speak. They have also declared a call-to-arms across the world, to come and join this amazing network, and further accelerate the research that could potentially give us the cure we are so desperately waiting for.

How to join the fight?

If you have a PC at home, irrespective of the specifications, and you want to join this shared computing network and offer processing power to the cause, this is what you have to do.

If you have a Windows PC/Laptop