Your Laptop can contribute to coronavirus (COVID-19) research.

The Coronavirus menace has been spreading like wildfire across the world, and has resulted in a majority of countries turning to isolation and social distancing. These solutions, though primitive, are the only known fighting tactic against the deadly virus, and research is still on towards developing a concrete cure to end this menace once and for all.

In the past, researching a cure took months if not years to concoct, simply because there was no digital infrastructure that could help in the research effort, but this time, the situation is a little different. Recently, the news was circulated from ORNL, that the Summit Supercomputer had joined the fight against coronavirus and with the help of its 220,800 CPU cores, 188,416,000 CUDA cores, 9.2PB of memory, and 250PB of mixed NVRAM/storage, it had shortlisted 77 potential compounds that could kill the virus. This is the beauty of high-speed computing. A task that would have taken ages to complete, was completed in merely hours, thanks to advancements in processing technology and the robust infrastructure that we have started to develop.

Today, we are going to talk about another group who have now got the computing power that is greater than the seven best supercomputers combined, and we will also tell you how you can add to their strength and do your bit in helping accelerate the cure research for the Corona Virus.