Gmail to Introduce Emoji Reactions for Quick Email Responses, but Beware of Spam

Google is set to enhance Gmail with emoji reactions, but there are some limitations.

Google is in the process of introducing a feature that will enable Gmail users on iOS and Android devices to react to emails with a single emoji.

The anticipation of emoji reactions in Gmail has been circulating for a while, and recently, an industry insider named AssembleDebug managed to test the feature on an Android device, sharing their findings on TheSpAndroid blog.

According to the report, a new button will be added “to the right of the email” alongside the three-dot menu. When tapped, this button will open a small menu offering users a choice of five default emojis: a sparkling heart, a party popper, a thumbs up, a laughing face, praying hands (often used to express gratitude), and the classic smiley face. Once an emoji is selected, it appears in a reaction bar below the message, similar to how it works in messaging platforms.