Final Fantasy 14: Next Expansion Teased in Hidden Object

The Dark Throne, a captivating addition to Final Fantasy 14’s Endwalker expansion, has been brimming with tantalizing clues about what lies ahead for players in the next chapter of the game. While many hints have been scattered throughout the Void storyline, one particularly intriguing clue remains hidden from plain sight. The recent patches of Endwalker have delved into the iconic boss fights of Final Fantasy 4, evolving them into standalone characters that explore profound themes of death and purpose, resonating with the overarching narrative of Endwalker.

Remaining true to the promise of director Naoki Yoshida, the content updates for Endwalker have maintained their standalone nature. The Final Days were averted, and the story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark reached its conclusion by the time the expansion’s end credits rolled. The Warrior of Light’s journey into the Void has not only provided a fresh adventure separate from the next decade-long chapter in Etheirys’ tale but also served as an entry point for newcomers to encounter the beloved cast of Final Fantasy 14.