Even Tetris players are unsure about the future of competitive Tetris

Even Tetris players are unsure about the future of competitive Tetris

CTM has grown from barely gathering enough players for a bracket to hundreds of players competing in multiple skill levels every month since then. The original plan was for a single 16-player tournament, which meant that anyone who wasn’t good enough would never get to play. “When I took over, my pledge to the community was that everyone who submitted a qualifier would get to play,” Didion explained.

Both CTWC and CTM have prize pools, but they are small in comparison to the seven-figure worlds of Fortnite. If you win CTWC outright, you’ll receive $3,000, with the remaining $10,000 purse divided among the next 15 places. CTM, on the other hand, typically rewards the top eight positions, but because the purse is entirely user-contributed, it varies from month to month. Typically, the pool tops $3,500, with half of that going to the overall winner.

The fact that CTM’s purse is dependent on donations may pose a problem in the long run: “We have someone named ShallBeSatisfied who contributes $1,000 – $2,000 per month. So you have this other person dogwatchingtetris, which is the same thing. ScottGray76 contributes a significant amount on a monthly basis.” Didion stated. In short, the financial incentive to participate in CTM is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals.