Epson Moverio BT200 Review

The end of 2015 saw a lot of virtual reality devices come to the fore, and though there’s still a long way to go before they actually get a place of honour amongst the consumers, they are still pieces of tech which are fun to use, and experiment with. While most other types of wearable tech have been adopted, the most prominent being the smartwatch, the augmented reality devices are the ones which will eventually marry all the various aspects of technology into one sleek package. As of today, the virtual reality headsets which are available in the market cost a fortune( around $1000 or more ), but that doesn’t stop tech enthusiasts from breaking their budget, to get their hands on this truly inspiring piece of technology. So, taking the theme of augmented reality forward, the device I will take you through today is Epson’s very own take on the upcoming trend. the Moverio BT200.

The Moverio BT200 ( lets just stick to BT200 for now ) , is not exactly the most beautifully designed virtual reality headset, but at a seemingly reasonable $699.99, it offers more theoretical functionality, and great value, for both Enterprise and Educational applications.

The BT200 was first unveiled at the CES event last year, and a full year has gone after that, but the device is still as experimental as it was when it first came to be. While major players like Google glass have slowly stated trickling in to the market, Epson seem to want to wait out the storm, and hit the market with a virtual reality device, that is truly ready for general consumer usage. That said. if you still want to give the BT200 a swing in its current developmental state, its on offer directly through Epson, so you might want to try there.