Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, told an audience gathered inside the company’s Austin, Texas Gigafactory for Investor Day 2023 that the company’s production capacity are set for a large increase — and AI will allegedly be the magic bullet that gets them there. It’s all part of what Musk refers to as Master Plan 3.
Musk’s third Master Plan, with the prior two arriving in 2006 and 2016, respectively. They have acted as a road map for Tesla’s growth and development over the last 17 years, as the firm has progressed from a fledgling startup to the world’s top EV carmaker.”There is a clear path to a sustainable energy Earth by 2050 and it does not require destroying natural habitats,” Musk stated during his keynote talk.
“You could support a civilization much bigger than Earth [currently does]. Much more than the 8 billion humans could actually be supported sustainably on Earth and I’m just often shocked and surprised by how few people realise this,” he added. After the event, he pledged that the business will issue a “full whitepaper with calculations & assumptions” through Twitter.