Elden Ring Construction Makes It Difficult for Opponents to Focus on You

Although the build would be ideal for PvE play, people instantly voiced worries about its possible usage in PvP in the comments. “This is why I exclusively play PvE,” claimed Reddit user Party Gas 5343. There are several Elden Ring techniques for PvP success, and films like this one displaying build exploits will only make it more difficult for players to succeed in the Colosseum.

Elden Ring has a lot of exciting PvP features, but it’s preferable that they aren’t the main focus of the game. There are clearly numerous builds that are borderline unfair to employ and may cause anger when one surface. Players may still finish the game without ever engaging in PvP, which means they can utilise any build they choose without being penalised in-game. Some players go this a step further, using bizarre controls to defeat Elden Ring – something they couldn’t achieve in PvP.