EA and Visceral Games opens Battlefield Hardline Beta, Our First Experiences…

“One of the letdowns of Battlefield, I’d say were the campaign, many fans of the Battlefield series still continue to ask for Bad Company 3 for the stellar single player campaign it had. What’s Hardline doing to change that in terms of story and how long can we expect the campaign to be ? “

“While we don’t have any specifics on the length of the campaign, rest assured, we’ve worked hard to provide depth to the story that’s in Hardline. It follows a well proven formula that you see in most crime dramas. It’s a campaign we’re proud of and it has some of Hollywood’s finest writing and acting talent to back it up. ( Editor’s note, Alexandra Daddario from True Detective, Wendy Calhoun from Justified, and Benito Martinez from The Shield were part of the story team who wrote Hardline’s single player campaign.)  It’s a campaign that you will want to invest your time in just to see the setting we envisioned Hardline to be.


“And on Multiplayer, Battlefield 4 had some rough bumps in the beginning. What is Visceral doing to reassure players to step once more into Battlefield ? Also what’s going to be different for Hardline?”

 “Well, that’s why we’re having two betas, we’re constantly working and running with QA to make sure nothing’s broken. That being said, we’re not bulletproof and are prone to hiccups, however we’re going to maintain that Hardline will be well supported and ensure that everything rolls out as intended.” As for multiplayer, we believe this will be the most competitive and fast paced multiplayer this is. “

“Hotwire mode pits you in a high-speed chase on the battlefield, as the criminals attempt to steal a list of marked cars while the cops try to repossess them. This is something I’m sure that players are going to enjoy.” – Evan Champlin Senior Multi Player Designer