is windows 10 any good

Do you need Microsoft Edge with Windows 10 ?

Do you need Microsoft Edge with Windows 10 ?


The other thing that makes Microsoft Edge stand out, is that it is now available as a free download for other platforms, including, Mac, Android, and even iOS. This means Microsoft can now tap into the browser competition and take that quantum leap in terms of progress.

We actually did a side by side comparison of the new Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome, and we were pleasantly surprised how a simple change in the engine, could lead to such a significant improvement in performance for Edge. Now, you have to keep in mind that Chrome has been in the market for almost a decade, while the new Edge browser will complete its first year in a few months, so there are certain aspects in the latter that needs to be polished, but at the same time, we found the browser to be fully operational, including support for widgets and add-ons, which are working just fine.