Moreover, the State of the Game blog provides insights into crafting requirements for obtaining Exotic weapons via the Deepsight crafting system. Dead Man’s Tale Exotic, for example, will follow the standard Deepsight crafting prerequisites, allowing players to acquire red-border weapons to unlock the craftable pattern. Additionally, players will earn pre-rolled copies of Dead Man’s Tale with each completion, granting them more opportunities to obtain optimal rolls in cases where Deepsight progression yields undesirable results. This pattern of crafting is expected to extend to other Exotic Weapons like Dead Messenger and Revision Zero.
The introduction of the Exotic Mission Rotator is not a complete reversal of sunsetting, but it is undoubtedly a step forward in the right direction, one that will be embraced by Destiny 2’s dedicated community. Paired with other Season 22 changes, including modifications to ritual activities and weapon balancing, Destiny 2’s future appears to be taking shape as it approaches The Final Shape.