Comic-Con announces workshops ahead of action-packed weekend

  • Rodney Ramos: He has worked on just about every major character for Marvel Comics and DC Comics with a flourish that makes him a master at his craft.  His works include masterful craftsmanship for clients ranging from Valiant, Malibu, Acclaim, Marvel UK, and Neal Adams Continuity Studios, in addition to Marvel and DC. He reached cult status with his work on DC’s “Transmetropolitan,” a huge fan favorite!
  • Mostafa Moussa: A veteran of the comic book industry. Mostafa is originally from the region but managed to speed his way through many publishers following his graduation from college. He has worked on titular comics including Batman, X-men, Godzilla and many more.

This year workshops will be much bigger for pop culture lovers who want to jump between consuming and creating. There will be a huge range of topics discussed at the workshop including: