Best Tips to Win at Roulette for Beginners

This technique is inspired by the well-known Fibonacci sequence, where the next number becomes the sum of the former two. The following is the sequence:

1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987

The Fibonacci system in roulette includes betting by summing the previous two bets together. Thus, even if you lose more rounds than you win, you can still depart with a profit.

  • D’Alembert System

The D’Alembert system is based on bets put on even-money sections of the table. Unlike the Martingale, however, instead of multiplying the bet after a losing wager, one unit is increased to the player’s stake. The chance is reduced by one unit after a win.

Suppose you place a $1 base unit investment. If the wager fails, the next bet is $2. If that bet loses, the following stake is increased to $3, and so on. However, if you score the $3 chance, your next wager will be reduced to $2.

One of the most substantial advantages of this approach is that it keeps track of your patterns, at least for the short term. You’re not multiplying your bet after each loss, as in the Martingale method, and the numbers balance out if you lose as many spins as you win.