With the hospitality industry not ideally suited for technological stimulation, retailers could benefit from the announced government funding by setting up their stores for online sales. This could benefit all manner of retailers, whether focusing on fashion or electronics, with the internet providing a potentially lucrative channel for generating more sales. With government support, retailers could learn how to make the transition into selling online.
More than 32,800 jobs were stood down in the transport and distribution industry, which is curious because the personnel is needed across the country in the transit of food, drinks, and many other types of products. If online sales can increase, then maybe the transport and distribution industry can welcome back a large portion of the workforce, as they will be vital in bringing purchased goods to the customers who ordered them.
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Forthcoming Challenges and Cuts
With the October publication of Australia’s budget for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021, Scott Morrison’s government is faced with several challenges that have been heightened by COVID. Young people, the disabled, and women over 45 have all been identified as demographics who could struggle to find employment if the long-term economic effects of coronavirus are especially hard.
Following the announced spend on improving the digital capabilities of Australia, it is hoped that a boost in economic performance can support the nation through some of the crises that are expected to arise. If businesses can figure out how to get employees working from home, then perhaps they could increase the size of their respective workforces if all goes to plan.