A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player discovers a hilarious and unexpected method of killing enemies

Volume 2 of DefendTheHouse’s MythBusters series, including Modern Warfare 2, has been released. A fire extinguisher is seen at 11:04 in the video as having the capacity to kill opponents on the other squad. If done correctly, not only will this kill opponent players in a humiliating manner, causing them to check at their kill cam again, but it is also a clever technique for gamers to improve their abilities for future multiplayer bouts. Similarly, there is a humorous PlayStation trophy named “A Crappy Way To Die” in the campaign for gamers who shoot a porta-potty with an adversary inside. When a fire extinguisher is fired near an opponent player, it damages and temporarily disorients them. As the vapours pile up around the player, the fire extinguisher is shown bursting on the ground, leaving them vulnerable to the final blow. When this method is used a second time, the opposing player is shot in the foot first, such that when the fire extinguisher is fired and bursts, they are immediately killed.