A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player discovers a hilarious and unexpected method of killing enemies

A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 gamer finds a humorous and unexpected method of killing adversaries. Modern Warfare 2’s environment is a key aspect of any multiplayer FPS game, and it shines in this area owing to some amusing environment interactions that may take out other players.

Players are uncovering a plethora of intriguing information about the newest entry in the Call of Duty series, such as an outrageous Modern Warfare 2 G walk technique that went viral for its high speeds and strange motions, or the vehicle trick to dodge bounty hunters. While fans may presume that some of these techniques are unintended, others, such as one that employs an environmental hazard device to injure adversaries in surprising and humorous ways, may have been purposely introduced by the makers.