The Last of Us Part 2 Bug Causes Hilarious T-Pose Moment for Abby During Intense Scene

A bug in The Last of Us Part 2 has led to a comical and unexpected moment in the game where the character Abby stands frozen in a T-pose during a tense scene. The bug appears to be present in various instances and not limited to a specific scene, as other players have encountered similar situations. While the T-pose bug briefly interrupts an intense moment, Abby returns to her normal animation before the ambush takes place.

The clip, shared by a surprised player on Reddit under the username Reallyslowmow, offers a humorous twist to the game’s dark narrative. The bug occurs during a pivotal story moment when Abby and Mel are conversing in the back of a truck just before they are ambushed. In the clip, Abby is seen frozen in a T-pose, with her arms outstretched and an emotionless expression on her face, while the conversation continues as if nothing unusual is happening.