Real Ninja Museum and Monster Hunter Rise Collaborate on Special Exhibition

Monster Hunter Rise by Capcom has worked with a genuine ninja museum in Japan to provide a one-of-a-kind themed experience for the game’s fans and museum visitors. The unique event is certainly a wonderful opportunity for the firm to offer fans a taste of what the game may have been like in real life, with the ninja motif being essential to Monster Hunter Rise’s Kamura town.

It is not unexpected that Capcom is putting up a lot of marketing effort to persuade the gaming community to purchase the action RPG as Monster Hunter Rise is set to launch on next-gen platforms like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in a few days. Efforts can be seen everywhere, not only in Monster Hunter Rise’s pre-order bonuses and deluxe versions but also in the real world. Hosting events and collaborating with tangible venues, such as this ninja museum, is likely another effort by Capcom to keep the Monster Hunter community interested.