How to properly clear the cache on the Firefox browser

Every time you surf the web, your browser collects and retains data, regardless of which device you’re using. Cookies and cache are made up of this information, which can be quite useful. It, for example, keeps you signed in to your accounts and speeds up the loading of regularly frequented websites.

However, this data accumulates over time, eating up space on your phone and most likely incorporating cookies that track your surfing activity in order to serve targeted advertising.

It’s not a bad idea to clear this data once in a while to keep your web browser as sleek, fast, and, ideally, with as few tracking cookies as possible.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to properly clear the cache on the Firefox browser.

Step 1. Open the Firefox browser on your computer. The tutorial works the same for the Windows and Mac versions of Firefox, so you can follow along with irrespective of the device.