Nokia announces three C-series smartphones – the Nokia C21, Nokia C21 Plus and Nokia C2 2nd Edition

HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones, today announced three new Nokia C-series smartphones — the Nokia C21, Nokia C21 Plus, and Nokia C2 2nd Edition – after the debut of the Nokia G11 and Nokia G21 earlier this month. This is in response to Nokia devices’ success in the inexpensive smartphone market, which generated a 41 percent increase in HMD’s smartphone revenue from 2020 to 2021. HMD Global achieved operational profitability for the first time in 2021.

HMD’s Services division will enjoy considerable growth and scalability in 2022, with one million subscriptions forecasted for its Services package in H1 2022. This achievement signals a turning point in HMD Global’s connectivity, EMM, IoT, and security services, positioning the company for further enterprise penetration in the future years.