5 Tips For Making Your Web Design More Intuitive

5 Tips For Making Your Web Design More Intuitive

A sitemap generator can also streamline the planning process of building a website. It provides a bird’s eye view of the entire structure and the relationship between the elements, saving you time and effort in making it human-centric.

  • Work With A Good Design Plan

When it comes to web design, planning is critical. When you get your groundwork right, everything else follows suit.

Begin by choosing the right typography. Try to narrow your font type to two. Having different fonts scattered across your site isn’t a good idea. Choose fonts that aren’t difficult to read. That way, your texts won’t repel users.

After that, select a color theme that gives your site a distinct visual identity. Then consider sidebars, buttons, the search bar, and other necessary elements to give your site a top-level framework. Keep the layout basic yet complex and strive for simplicity.

  • Conduct Thorough Market Research

Studies have shown that data from the market help web designers create sites that users find more appealing. A genuinely intuitive design enables users to achieve their objectives for visiting a site. The way to accomplish this is by knowing what the market wants.

Through market research, you gain insights that can guide you through creating user-friendly designs. Effective market research helps you understand the motivations and problems your target audience wants to solve. Thus, you can utilize keywords and phrases that address their issues and induce action.  More so, you can write copies that convert. This consequently optimizes and drives traffic to your site.

  • Identify Your Target Audience 

Every site has a target audience. To have a more intuitive web design, you must identify your target range. Rather than build a website for every web user, create one that would appeal to your target audience.  

It helps to have a user persona representing your ideal visitor or customer. This will allow you to customize your design to suit their needs and preferences. Keep in mind that not everyone on the internet will have reasons to visit your website. So, you should focus on those that do and give them a reason to visit again. 

  • Check Out Other Websites

As you make your site more appealing to users, check out those websites you find attractive. You can learn a thing or two from them.