5 Major Mistakes Android Developers Make With GitHub

5 Major Mistakes Android Developers Make With GitHub

Old tutorials from the internet may lead new developers into using deprecated dependency libraries. This may result in conflicts with the gradle and/or SDK versions or even break the code. Developers should develop the habit of reading official docs and using the latest stable releases of plugins and dependencies. While using deprecated libraries is discouraged, developers should also not write new code from scratch if a similar working solution already exists.

4) Not Using Material Design for UX

With the advancement in mobile technology, users expect equally advanced UI. Adopting Material design specifications helps create standard and attractive User Interface. Adhering to the most common UX patterns such as using Floating Action Buttons (FABs) for primary actions and other material components like bottom navigation bars and material buttons makes the designs compliant with Android UI best practice.

Material design comes with new features such as the z-property for view elevation and shadowing. It also has out-of-the-box animation APIs to improve user experience. Material components from the Android catalog have easily-obvious attributes which have been optimized therefore accelerating the UI design process. Just like xml styling, the new Jetpack Compose toolkit provides implementations of all material design components.

5) Not Knowing Kotlin