5 Major Mistakes Android Developers Make With GitHub

5 Major Mistakes Android Developers Make With GitHub

2) Not Performing Tests

Testing Android apps reveals minor bugs early enough and saves the developer the time of fixing major defects and breakages in the future. Running automated tests for Android code helps to catch bugs before they reach the end users. Unit testing, end-to-end testing and integration testing are the main testing strategies that Android developers often miss.

Code should be organized in modules for easy testing. Unit-tests should cover all possible scenarios of interaction such as invalid user inputs to eliminate ambiguity and malfunction. Even when using thoroughly-tested libraries like Jetpack UI libraries, developers should be careful not to leave out any unhandled cases especially during validation of user input. If an app uses coroutines, it is critical to write tests for units and modules that interact with flows such as asynchronous database streams.

3) Sticking to Deprecated Libraries and Functions

Certain libraries in the Android framework have been declared obsolete and legacy for years. Newer functions and libraries are being introduced with every subsequent update. A function with a strike-through decoration or a ‘deprecated’ annotation means there is a better-working piece of code.