When sharing engaging content isn’t enough many marketers turn to advertising to help reach their target audience. LinkedIn allows you to display ads on various pages, including profiles, home pages, inbox, search result pages, and groups.
Want to encourage members to follow your Company Page or your Showcase Page? Use Follow Company Ads to deliver personalized messages on the home pages of your target audience. Hewlett-Packard used the ad unit over a two-month period and found its follower count increase from 300,000 to 1 million.
Content Ads deliver five different types of content, including blog posts, case studies, white papers, and video. For this reason, the ad unit helps to position you as a thought leader on the network as well as encourage members to engage with your content. It’s recommended that you review the different ad specifications before starting the creative process.
Talk to a digital expert such as Just Digital People to find out how your company could utilise digital platforms for hiring purposes. For more information on LinkedIn features download the Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn.