Twitch is currently only supporting Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers

Despite the outrage in Twitch Support comments decrying the move to discontinue official support for other browsers, using an unsupported browser does not seem to prevent access to the streaming service entirely. However, some users are reporting problems, such as being unable to make purchases on Twitch using an unsupported browser, and even streams using a compatible browser are having login failures.

Twitch’s clumsy messaging isn’t helping it. The platform’s recent announcement that it would reduce the income share of its top producers from 70/30 to 50/50 has already tarnished its reputation with streamers and viewers alike, prompting huge stars like CodeMiko to contemplate transferring to competitor sites like YouTube. Given that some of Twitch’s top talent has already left the platform, it’s in the company’s best interests, to be honest with its improvements in order to keep its community.