The next update to Halo Infinite will bring back the campaign’s secret ultrapowered rifle

Junyszek previously stated that 343 Industries was exploring modifications in reaction to player input following the season’s premiere. “We’ve heard feedback on adjustments that affected different multiplayer leaps and campaign speedrun methods,” Junyszek remarked on May 5th. “We are not currently in a position to make any promises, but we want to be upfront and state that we are taking the input seriously and exploring solutions internally.”

Junyszek did not specify a particular date for the new update on Friday, but it appears that it will be available shortly. “Our team has been working hard to get as much as we can in this update as soon as possible, but there are still a few more steps we need to take before we can release it in the wild,” he explained. “We’ll publish additional information about the exact release date of this update in the coming days.”