Social Media Usage in Arab Region Report.

The sixth Arab Social Media Report, which is available for download at is the latest of the series spearheaded by the Governance and Innovation Program at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government. This edition also reveals that Twitter users in the Arab region generated more than 533 million tweets in March 2014. It additionally states that the number of LinkedIn users in Arab countries increased from 4.7 million to 8.4 million during the past year. Meanwhile, Arabic language continues to be the fastest growing language on different social media platforms, with Arabic tweets generated standing at 75% of total tweets in the region in March 2014.


The Governance and Innovation Program at Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government conducts research projects focusing on policies for government innovation and development through leveraging information technologies in the Arab states. The program’s agenda includes policy and scholarly research, policy advisory and regional development activities. It aims to support policy makers for advancing participatory, inclusive and transparent government models, and enable more responsive and efficient governance through effective adoption of information technologies.