Simplicity is king – and everyone loves a good story

The KISS principle is one that we’ve never been terribly good at in the IT business. It’s perfectly understandable: technology by its very nature is difficult to explain, and there’s a temptation to lead with the fantastic capabilities and performance of one’s product as a way to impress and compete. With many solutions, sometimes it seems easier to give specifications than explain in simple terms how it makes one’s working or home life better. Even though we know we should be focused on explaining the benefits, we often spend far too much time talking about the technology.

We design solutions that drive technology products, so we do need to talk about them at some point. The customer will want to be reassured that they are good, reliable, proven and state-of-the-art products; that they are getting the very best solutions for their needs. Rare is the company in this industry that isn’t over-technical at times. It is pretty much unavoidable when your product is the heart of what makes a technological device great. Our vendor partners, distributors and resellers face exactly the same challenge when they talk to customers about the benefits of AMD products.

This is where I think the KISS principle can really help. By keeping it simple, you can get the key messages across really effectively. Even if you do end up talking about technology some of the time, keeping the message simple and easy to understand, makes a real difference.