Silicon Labs xG26 Sets New Standard in Multiprotocol Wireless Device Performance

Silicon Labs, a leader in secure, intelligent wireless technology for a more connected world, today announced their new xG26 family of Wireless SoCs and MCUs, the IoT industry leader’s highest performance device family to date. The new family consists of the multiprotocol MG26 SoC, the Bluetooth LE BG26 SoC, and the PG26 MCU.

All three are designed to future-proof the IoT against some of the most demanding emerging applications, like Matter, with double the Flash and RAM of other Silicon Labs multiprotocol devices.

“As users from consumer to industrial sectors extract more benefits from their IoT deployments, their requirements are steadily increasing,” said Matt Johnson, CEO of Silicon Labs, Inc. “The new xG26 family is built for the future, empowering device manufacturers with the confidence that their current designs will meet tomorrow’s demands.”

To help designers build devices capable of running advanced IoT applications, the xG26 family can be equipped with: