Seagate Ramps 20TB HDD Shipments Answering Mass Data Growth

Seagate Ramps 20TB HDD Shipments Answering Mass Data Growth


Purpose-designed for heavy user workloads, the new IronWolf Pro 20TB features high reliability with user workload rate limits of 300TB/year — a necessity for today’s NAS servers. It also offers sustained transfer rates of 285MB/s giving users the power to collaborate by sharing files, backing up, and tackling heavy workloads in multi-user NAS environments.

The new drive comes equipped IronWolf Health Management system for easy access and monitoring drive health as well as a five-year limited product warranty and three years of Rescue Data Recovery Services for peace of mind.

Shipping this month, Exos X20 20TB will be available for a list price of AED 2869.90 and IronWolf Pro 20TB is available for AED 2,400 in the UAE. CORVAULT is available globally via qualified Seagate distributors.