Onward Medical Achieves Breakthrough: Brainwave-Driven Implant Offers Hope to Patients

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Onward Medical's ARC Nerve Stimulation System

Onward Medical, a pioneering startup, achieved a remarkable milestone as it announced the successful installation of its revolutionary brainwave-driven implantable electrode array. This groundbreaking achievement aims to restore function and sensation to a patient’s hands and arms, offering newfound hope in the realm of medical innovation. It follows a similar milestone just five months ago when the company implanted a comparable system to aid a patient in regaining a more natural walking gait.

Versatile ARC Nerve Stimulation System

The ARC nerve stimulation therapy system developed by Onward Medical offers multiple applications, catering to a range of medical issues. The ARC-EX, an external, non-invasive stimulator array, is designed to sit on the lower back, assisting in regulating bladder control, blood pressure, and enhancing limb function and control. In a previous study conducted in May, the ARC-EX, in conjunction with a BCI controller from CEA-Clinatec, created a “digital bridge” to address spinal column deficits, enabling a more natural walking gait for the patient.