The graphics card market has been unaffordable for the past few years, with sales of the RTX 4070 reportedly slow due to its pricing. Gamers are holding out for the release of the RTX 4060 Ti to see if it’s worth spending extra cash before making the investment. AMD is also rumored to be preparing a midrange GPU of its own around the same time, setting up a potential battle on launch day between the first two midrange cards to land this generation.
There isn’t much information about the RTX 4060 Ti yet, but there may be two variants of the graphics card released over the next two months. The first is an 8GB VRAM variant expected to launch by the end of May, while another 16GB VRAM variant could land about a month or so later, in July 2023. Both cards are expected to have a 128-bit memory bus, which is half of what the RTX 3060 Ti offered. The RTX 4060 Ti is also expected to have fewer streaming multiprocessors (SMs) which are the core architectural block in the GPU.