Nokia Phones Lead the Trust Rankings according to Counterpoint Research

Nokia Phones Lead the Trust Rankings according to Counterpoint Research

They allocated four main pillars contributing to the overall Trust Rankings and they are:

  1. Timely Software Updates.
  2. Timely Security Updates.
  3. Build Quality.
  4. Enterprise/Business Recommended Smartphones.

All these pillars are further categorized into various criteria and a weightage has been assigned to each of the pillars. For example, Timely Software updates (30%), Security updates (30%), Build Quality (30%) and Enterprise/Business recommended (10%).

Each OEM was evaluated on a scale of 100 with cumulative numbers added to determine what we call an overall “Trust rankings”

Number 1 – Security Upgrades
  • The frequency of releasing security patches varies from one smartphone maker to the next. Only a handful of smartphone brands roll out monthly security updates. Most make them available less frequently – either bi-monthly, quarterly, or even less often
  • Security is essential to prevent malicious attacks that can cripple smartphones and leave users vulnerable to having personal information stolen.
  • Few consumers have been found to mention regular security updates as a highly desirable feature. This may be because consumers assume that their smartphones will be updated, or that they don’t understand the implications of poor security. Or maybe it’s because attacks are relatively rare. But they can be highly disruptive when they do occur
Number 2 – Software Updates


Nokia Phones Lead the Trust Rankings according to Counterpoint Research