The nightmare after the Festive Season (and Meltdown, and Spectre)

As mentioned, it would be too costly to replace all the faulty CPUs, especially in the cheaper IoT devices. On those, even updating the firmware or (patching) the operating system may not be possible. As a warning, when you are buying a new IoT device, it makes sense to check which CPU it is running on, and if that CPU is affected by these vulnerabilities. It is expected that some devices may suddenly be offered cheaply by the manufacturer, hoping to rid their inventory of old(er) faulty CPUs while manufacturing new devices with updated CPUs, when these become available. So: caveat emptor. A bargain may turn out to be a nightmare once you connect it to your network.

The bottom-line: IoT or “smart” devices are here to stay, affected or not, so be sensible with the information you store within them.