New update offers Z-Wave Long Range, Easy Dashboards, and more

New update offers Z-Wave Long Range, Easy Dashboards, and more

Hubitat today announces platform update 2.3.9, offering a diverse range of improvements, including drag-and-drop dashboards with Easy Dashboard and the addition of support for Z-Wave Long Range (Z-Wave LR).

Easy Dashboard makes it simpler than ever to create dashboards. Compared to the traditional Hubitat Dashboard app (which remains available), Easy Dashboard offers simplified dashboard creation by simply selecting devices to add them to the dashboard, and it makes editing easier than ever before with drag-and-drop tiles.

Easy Dashboards can be locked to prevent editing and easily accessed with the Dashboards link in on the hub, with local access currently available and remote access and access in the Hubitat mobile app coming soon.


New update offers Z-Wave Long Range, Easy Dashboards, and more
Hubitat today announces platform update 2.3.9, offering a diverse range of improvements, including drag-and-drop dashboards with Easy Dashboard and the addition of support for Z-Wave Long Range (Z-Wave LR).


Z-Wave LR offers a range of up to 1.5 miles line-of-sight, opening new possibilities for device usage in the home and beyond. It also increases the number of devices that can join a single Z-Wave network to over 2000, more than 10 times that of traditional Z-Wave networks.

With automatically adjusted and optimized power output, Z-Wave LR can also offer up to 10-year battery life for devices using only a coin-cell battery. Further, Z-Wave LR devices are backwards compatible with traditional Z-Wave mesh networks, and both traditional mesh Z-Wave devices and Z-Wave LR devices can co-exist on the same hub.

“We are pleased to release several exciting new features with our latest platform update,” said Stefan Dyulgerov, President of Hubitat. “From often-requested drag-and-drop dashboard editing to cutting-edge Z-Wave additions — as well as numerous smaller changes — there is something for everyone in this update.”

Platform update 2.3.9 is available now for all current hub owners. Z-Wave LR support is available on models C-8 and C-8 Pro only. Hubitat Elevation hubs are available at